User Guides & Frequently Asked Questions

Postgraduate Progression Management Database FAQs


  1. What is PPMD?
  2. When searching for a student I can only see the students in my college.
  3. I cannot edit the details as the box is highlighted in grey.
  4. The details I have assigned to a student do not appear in EUCLID.
  5. When I click on an e-mail address it populates in Outlook.
  6. I have added and saved examiner information that I now want to amend but find this is not possible (the text fields are greyed out). How can I get the wording changed?

How Do I

  1. How do I appoint an examiner to a student?
  2. How do I appoint a new examiner to a student
  3. How do I assign a specific examiner to a thesis
  4. How do I enter a new concession for a student
  5. How do I add a new assessment for a student?
  6. How do I generate a new letter for a student?
  7. How do I obtain information in bulk about groups of students?

Glossary of Terms

  1. Glossary of Terms.












  1. What is PPMD ?

    The Postgraduate Progression Management Database (PPMD) is a tool that enables University of Edinburgh staff to manage on-programme postgraduate students with a capability not possible using just EUCLID alone.  For example, data input to the PPMD includes specific examination, progress and date information, and the PPMD can generate templated letters  for sending to schools, students and to external examiners.

    The PPMD is partially linked to EUCLID, whereby core student information in EUCLID can be viewed within the PPMD (displayed within a grey box).  This shared information is viewable in the PPMD but amendable only via EUCLID.  In this way the “golden copy” principle is maintained whilst at the same time allowing additional management information to be input directly onto the PPMD.  However, information input to the PPMD is not electronically linked to EUCLID.  Querying the PPMD for bulk information is made via BOXI.

    The PPMD is a web based application using url .  It uses EASE authentication and potential new users must follow the procedures which are used to access all Student Systems systems. The hard copy form is available for download on the following support page . It must be completed, authorised and returned to Student Systems Support, Student Administration, Old College (for the attention of Diane Easton). Access given to individual staff can be “Read”, “Read/Write”, or “Administrator”.

  2. When searching for a student I can only see the students in my college.

    This is correct you are only able to search on students from your college, unless you have administrator access then you should see all students in PPMD.

  3. I cannot edit the details as the box is highlighted in grey.

    All core student and staff details are sourced from EUCLID and are available for your reference only within PPMD. If you need to make changes to core student details you need to do so by contacting the Registry.

    Fields will also appear grey if the field is calculated based on other fields entered within PPMD, so there is no need for users to adjust this.

  4. The details I have assigned to a student do not appear in EUCLID.

    Any details entered by you within the PPMD system will remain within PPMD and will not be transferred back to EUCLID.

  5. When I click on and e-mail address it populates in Outlook.

    This is correct - the system will populate an email template in word when you click on an individual’s email address within PPMD.

  6. I have added and saved examiner information that I now want to amend but find this is not possible (the text fields are greyed out). How can I get the wording changed?

    As the examiner information may impact on more than one student, any saved changes can only be amended within the ADMINISTRATION function. The administrator navigates to the ADMINISTRATION section and clicks on the EXAMINERS tab, searches for the examiner required, and then edits the record shown.

How Do I

  1. How do I appoint an examiner to a student?

    To appoint an existing examiner:

    • On the menu NAVIGATE to the ‘Examiner’
    • CLICK on the button ‘Appoint New Examiner’
    • SELECT type ‘existing examiner’ (for creating a new examiner refer to ‘How do I appoint a new examiner to a student’).
    • CLICK ‘Select’.
    • ENTER your search criteria
    • Appoint an examiner by CLICKING ‘select’ associated with the appropriate examiner record
    • Update details as required (for field definition refer to Glossary) and CLICK ‘Save’.
    • The message ‘The examiner student appointment details were successfully updated’ should appear at the top of the popup window.
    • CLICK ‘Close’

  2. How do I appoint a new examiner to a student?

    To appoint a new examiner:

    • On the menu NAVIGATE to the ‘Examiner’
    • CLICK on the button ‘Appoint New Examiner’
    • SELECT type ‘new examiner’ (for appointing an existing examiner refer to ‘How do I appoint an examiner to a student’).
    • CLICK ‘Select’.
    • Update details as required (for field definition refer to the Glossary) and CLICK ‘Save’.
    • The message ‘The examiner student appointment details were successfully updated’ should appear at the top of the popup window.
    • CLICK 'Close'.

  3. How do I assign a specific examiner to a thesis?

    Having previous ‘appointed an examiner’ for this specific student you are now able to associate one examiner with the student’s thesis.

    To do this:

    • On the menu NAVIGATE to the ‘Thesis’
    • CLICK on the button ‘Thesis Action’
    • Appoint an examiner by CLICKING ‘select’ associated with the appropriate examiner record.
    • Update details as required (for field definition refer to the Glossary) and CLICK ‘Save Changes’.
    • The message ‘The thesis action details were successfully updated’ should appear at the top of the popup window.
    • CLICK 'Close'

  4. How do I enter a new concession for a student?

    To do this:

    • On the menu NAVIGATE to the ‘Concession’
    • CLICK on the button ‘New Concession’
    • Update details as required (for field definition refer to the Glossary) and CLICK ‘Save Changes’.
    • The message ‘The concession details were successfully updated’ should appear at the top of the popup window.
    • CLICK ‘Close’

  5. How do I add a new assessment for a student?

    To do this:

    • On the menu NAVIGATE to the ‘Progress’
    • CLICK on the button ‘Add New Assessment’
    • Update details as required (for field definition refer to the Glossary) and CLICK ‘Save Changes’.
    • The message ‘The student assessment details were successfully updated’ should appear at the top of the popup window.
    • CLICK ‘Close’

  6. How do I generate a new letter for a student?

    To do this:

    • On the menu NAVIGATE to the ‘Letters’
    • CLICK on the button ‘Generate New Letter’
    • SELECT details as required (for field definition refer to the Glossary) and CLICK ‘Save Changes’.
    • The letter should be popultated with associated student detail in Word.
    • SAVE the letter to a file location of your choice for future reference.

  7. How do I obtain information in bulk about groups of students?

    To do this:

    • Use or create suitable reports in BOXI using the PPMD universe.

Glossary of Terms

  1. Glossary of Terms

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