
How do I find my way around BOXI?


The Admissions Universe has been re-designed to facilitate quicker and more intuitive navigation and retrieval. The universe has been structured and labelled in line with common EUCLID system design and terminology to aid those familiar with EUCLID Admissions to search and find the objects for reporting.

Additionally, there is an existing BOXI search facility which will aid new Admissions Universe users, unfamiliar with the layout, to search by object label.

Object Search facility

Click anywhere within the Admissions Universe data box

EUCLID Screenshot

Begin to type the first word of the object you are looking for e.g. Date of Birth

EUCLID Screenshot

If this is not the object you are looking for, but the first word is correct, either continue to type the label of the object you are looking for, or click on the down arrow key to move to the next object in the admissions universe with a label that begins with the text you have typed.

EUCLID Screenshot

If the text you have keyed does not match any objects within the Admissions Universe, this will be highlighted by BOXI:

EUCLID Screenshot