
Part Year Visiting Student Courses Variants

Part Year Visiting Student Variant Courses in WISARD

The Course Creation, Approval and Maintenance (CCAM) process currently delivered online via WISARD enables the recording and maintenance of course data within the University’s corporate student record database (DACS – Database of Admissions, Curricula and Students).

Currently in DACS, where courses are available to both visiting and non-visiting students both groups of students register on the same course instance.

However, if the method of assessment (including when the assessment is taken) is different for the visiting and non-visiting versions of the courses then a part year visiting student variant course has had to be created.

This was required as WISARD could not support two different assessment patterns for the same course.

WISARD: Parent with Visiting Student Variant Course

VS Diagram


New Approach to Part Year Visiting Student Variant Courses in EUCLID

In November 2009 Course Creation, Approval and Maintenance (CCAM) in EUCLID will go live, with course data migrated from DACS to EUCLID.

An alternative approach to managing Parent and Part Year Visiting Student Variant courses is proposed in EUCLID that will reduce the need for part year variant courses to be created.

Rather than creating a Part Year VS Variant course, an instance that is flagged as being available to ‘Visiting Students Only’ can be created against the Parent. Part Year Visiting Students who will follow a different assessment pattern to the Non-Visiting Students will be registered on this instance.

This would eliminate the need for part year visiting student variant courses to be created where the method of assessment (including when the assessment is taken) is the only difference.

To facilitate this new approach the course migration from DACS to EUCLID amalgamated those Parent and Part Year Visiting Student variant courses (approx 400) which met the following criteria:

  • Course is flagged as being Available to all Students
  • Credit Level and Credits are the same on both the Parent and Part Year VS Variant courses

EUCLID: Amalgamated Course with Additional Visiting Student Only Instance

EUCLID Diagram


Roll Forward of 2010/11 Course Instances for Existing Courses

There will be no roll forward of 2010/11 courses instances in DACS. All courses held on DACS as at the date of the roll forward will be rolled forward in EUCLID in January 2010 creating 2010/11 course instances.

In order to support the EUCLID approach to part year visiting student variant courses, the roll forward process in January 2010 will automatically create a ‘Visiting Student Only’ instance against each amalgamated Parent course.

For details of how to create a course instance in EUCLID see the Create a Course Instance section of the User Guide.