EUCLID User Guides - Staff

Undergraduate Admissions

Individual Confirmation

Confirmation is the process where you will asses whether the terms of the conditional offers that were made earlier in the application cycle have been met by the applicants. Confirmation of offers may take place at any time in the admissions cycle provided that the applicant has replied to the conditional offer with a 'Firm' or 'Insurance' response and you have received the results of examinations being taken by the applicant.

Most of Confirmation is carried out during July to September following the publication of the summer exam results, but applicants who receive results earlier (for instance winter A levels) may be confirmed as soon as you know the results.

This section of the UG Confirmation guide will describe the individual confirmation process that takes place between May and July, either via UCAS or directly from applicants who have provided copies of their exam results certificates.



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