
Student Support Team

Personal Tutors

How do I cancel a meeting?

Click on the Personal Tutors page within navigation menu bar.

This will display the Personal Tutors screen.



Key the Tutee's ID within the UUN/Instance field.

Click on the Find Students button to display the Tutee that meet your search criteria:



Click on the Notes/Meetings button.

This will display the Notes/Meeting window.

A meeting can be cancelled by clicking on the Cancel Meeting link next to the meeting record.

This will display the Cancel Meeting window for recording the reasons for the cancellation.

Key in the cancellation details within the Notes section.

Select the appropriate option(s) from the Categories menu (i.e. Academic, Personal or Other)

Click on the Cancel Meeting to save the details.

This will update the meeting to Cancelled and record with the details of the cancellation:

Click on the Close button to return to the Tutee list screen.