EUCLID User Guides - Staff

Personal Tutors

Video/Audio Tutorials


The links below provide online demonstration with narration, on how to navigate the Personal Tutor screens, schedule 1:1 & Group meetings, and send an email to a Tutees.

Please note that Personal Tutors will not be able to view the 'Personal Tutor' page within EUCLID until they have been assigned Tutees by their Student Support Team or Senior Tutor.

Personal Tutor

  1. How do I view my tutees? (under development)
  2. How do I schedule the first meeting with a student? (under development)
  3. How do I schedule a Group meeting for selected Tutees?
  4. How do I email a group of Tutees?

Student Support Team

  1. How do I navigate my Personal Tutors page?
  2. How do I assign students to a Personal Tutor?

Senior Tutors

  1. How do I navigate my Senior Tutor page?
  2. How do I & assign students to a Personal Tutor?

Accessibility menu