Awards Upload

Communication of awards and upload to EUCLID

Software was launched on 1st May 2014 to enable colleagues in Schools to upload final awards directly into EUCLID and to publish results electronically to students.

Annually course secretaries will be contacted by staff in Student Systems to request dates of exam boards along with key contacts to enable monitoring and support of award uploads.

Using the system, course secretaries will be able to check students are listed on the correct programme in advance of uploading awards. Contact the Student Record Team if changes are required  

Schools will be responsible for the publication of awards to students.  When Schools click on the publish button, students will receive an email to their student email address with a link through to the Programme page in EUCLID Student View, where their award will be published.

To support students who don't receive the result they expect, each school has created a web page detailing their support routes.  The link to this web page is included within the email communication to students. 

Key dates

Once the deadline for uploading final results has passed, the ability to upload, edit and publish files will be disabled.  Late results should be sent to who will key and publish the results. Please note, this will result in a delay to the student receiving their results and on the student’s graduation.  Please contact us as soon as possible if it looks like there is any reason the deadline will be missed. 

Online Tutorials

The links below provides step by step guidance on the different ways to record student final awards:



The following training materials are available to assist in briefing school colleagues:

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