EUCLID User Guides - Staff

Student Award Processing

Programme awards that will NOT be processed within EUCLID

The following Programmes/Students will not be included in the new Awards Processing for Schools:

Students on the above programmes will not receive a notification email when the award is keyed by the Student Records Team(SRT)


Reasons why Students are missing from a Programme listed in the Awards Processing

If a student is not listed within EUCLID when expected this could be because:

In the first instance the record should be checked on the EUCLID Student Lookup tool. If the record looks to be incorrect then contact the Student Records Team.



Please use the following template to communicate your award exemptions to the Student Records Team

Template for awards notifications

Awards for the following Students will need to be processed outside the system by emailing awards to the Student Records Team as currently. When the award is keyed by the Student Records Team, the student will receive an automatic email notification so Schools should make arrangements to communicate results these students before sending to Student Records for keying.


Processing Student exceptions

If Student is listed (e.g. Student failing Honours but awarded an Ordinary degree) then Schools should:

If Student is not listed (e.g. Student on Masters but exiting with a Diploma) then Schools should:


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