EUCLID User Guides - Staff

External Examiner

External Examiner role


An important feature of the external examining process is the submission of an annual External Examiner report. These reports provide invaluable independent feedback to the University at programme and course level, and sometimes also at the institutional level. The University has introduced an electronic reporting system for External Examiners.

Please click on the following links to access guidance on submitting an External Examiner Report via the External Examiner Reporting System:

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  1. How do I receive a report to complete online? (1:13)
  2. How do I navigate EERS? (1:34)
  3. How do I view reports submitted in previous years? (1:22)
  4. How do I complete a report? (4:39)
  5. What happens on submission of a report? (0:58)
  6. How do I print a report? (1:24)
  7. How do I search for reports? (2:19)


Please find below a downloadable PDF's of the above tutorials.

  1. How do I receive a report to complete online? (1:13)
  2. How do I navigate EERS? (1:34)
  3. How do I view reports submitted in previous years? (1:22)
  4. How do I complete a report? (4:39)
  5. What happens on submission of a report? (0:58)
  6. How do I print a report? (1:24)
  7. How do I search for reports? (2:19)


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