EUCLID User Guides - Staff

External Examiner

Academic Response Co-ordinator


The Academic Response Co-ordinator is responsible for the reviewing and responding to External Examiner reports.

Academic Response Co-ordinator's can also monitor upcoming reports due to be submitted by the External Examiner, requiring their response.

Click on the topics below to view a full suite of all the facilities available to staff with the Academic Response Co-ordinator role.

Please note that these online tutorials will work with Google Chrome or Safari browsers:

  1. How do I receive a report requiring my response? (0:44)
  2. How do I navigate EERS? (1:23)
  3. How do I respond to a report? (3:42)
  4. How do I print a report? (1:27)
  5. How do I search for reports? (2:19)
  6. How do I log reports submitted offline? (2.07)
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