Student Engagement Monitoring 2014

What does the 'Notify Supervisor' email look like?


Within the Bulk Update Student Engagement Events screen, staff have the ability to send an automated email to a Personal Tutor or PGR Supervisor to notify them that an engagement event has attendance outstanding.

Staff select the engagement events they wish to remind the academic about and then click on the Notify Supervisor button.

The following email content is sent to the Personal Tutor/Supervisor:

Dear <PT or Supervisor>,

Please could you check the engagement  record of student <UUN> - <Forename Surname> on <programme title>(<programme code>), to make sure that you are up to date with recording their engagement events as their record shows that they have events which are outstanding.

Please access the student record on EUCLID using the following link:

<direct link>

Engagement events are documented on the 'Engagement' tab of the students record.

Best wishes

<Administration Support staff>

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