
Communication of Progression 2014/2015


Assessment and Progression Tools


Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)


FAQ No. Question Answer
1. Does a progression decision need to be made for each exam diet instance e.g. resits? Some decisions require a new decision to be made at a later date e.g. resits, some do not e.g. conditional progression.
2. Is there a restriction on browsers that can be used for this software e.g. Firefox No. All support browsers can be used.
3. Will interrupted student be displayed for progression decisions? No. They won't appear until they have resumed their studies.
4. Can the sort order of the student cohorts be defaulted to Surname?

Not in the short term. The default sort order was defined by agreement with schools at the software development stage.

Alternatively, you can sort by surname in the XML template. This will not effect the XML import.

5. Can you confirm that the Personal Tutor does not receive email notification of progression decisions? Yes. The Personal Tutors does not receive email notification, however, a new view is available within the Personal Tutor EUCLID dashboard that allow them to view progression decisions for their Tutees.
6. What is meant by the 'Open' column within the Student Cohort view? This is a count of students without a progression decision recorded.
7. Can the 'Published' flag be changed to show the date of publication instead? The column will be changed from 'First Publication' to 'Published' to avoid confusion. If you want to see the publication dates for each student you can click on the 'Edit' button.
8. Is the EUCLID Progression software still available to for keying decisions passed the 30th June deadline? Yes.
9. There are currently no programmes listed (in the Jump to Programme, how do I search for a programme, individual student for last session screens? Under Progression Search (top left of first page), click Search by cohort of individual.  This will allow you to search for any 'missing' programmes/students (e.g. following Academic Rollover to the new Academic Session).                 

Import XML file

FAQ No. Question Answer
1. Do we need to know each code required for each decision to key within the XML template? No. A drop down menu is available above the code and description columns within the XML template, that you can select from .

Progression notes

FAQ No. Question Answer
1. What is the character limit within the decision notes field?

Whilst there is no character limit in the notes field, a recommended maximum of 1500 is advised.

Please see the document below for guidance on keying formatted text within the Notes field:

2. Can notes be changed after publication? No. Notes can only be changed for published students if they are first unpublished by a school Super user. If a published progression note or decision is changed by a Super user, the school should ensure they have spoke to the student before hand.
3. How do I make a change to an already published Progression note? Notes and progression decisions can be republished by Super users within your school. Please see the FAQs beneath the Super users section of this web page for more details.
4. Why won't EUCLID allow me to save a progression note? Please check the number of characters in your text, including spaces. Anything over 1500 characters will prevent you from saving progression notes.

Student view

FAQ No. Question Answer
1. What text is displayed to the Student for each progression decision keyed?

The spreadsheet below has all the conditional text displayed per decision:

Super users

FAQ No. Question Answer
1. Who have been delegated as the Super User within my school? i.e. staff that can re-publish progression decision. A list of Super Users within your school can be obtained by contacted the Student Systems team.
2. Can a Super User re-publish progression decisions multiple times? Yes, and the student receives email notification on each re-publish. This can only be done one student at a time and not in bulk.  This action is performed via the Assessment & Progression tab within the Student record.
3. Can we unpublish and republish a decision after the 30th June deadline? Yes. You can unpublish and republish at any time.
4. I have 'Superuser' permissions but am unable to  'Unpublish' a progression decision (i.e. there is no 'Unpublish Latest Outcome' option on the student's 'Awards & Progression' tab in EUCLID), what should I do? 

This could be due to there being a recent programme change on the student's record as this removes the 'Unpublish latest outcome' option in the Award & Progression screen.  If you are unable to see the 'Unpublish latest outcome' for this reason, then please email studentrecordsteam@ed.ac.uk and request that we remove the 'publish code and date' from the student's record.  This will then allow you to update the record accordingly while still holding the original comments.  NB This should apply to 2014/15 records only as we are hoping to have a fix for following academic sessions.

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