
Communication of Progression 2014/2015


Assessment and Progression Tools


The progression tools were delivered in April 2015 to enable schools to record and communicate progression decisions to taught students.

The software is intended to support the Informing Taught Students of their Final Programme, Course and Progression Results policy.

Publishing Progression Past the Deadline (30th June, 12pm)

Please note that if you have missed the 30th June deadline for publishing progression decisions, you will still be able to key decisions within EUCLID. This software is available throughout the year, and is not switched once the deadline has passed.



Please note that the Personal Tutor view has been updated to show the Award & Progression details of Tutees. Click on the link below to view the new function:

Please see the guidance documents below for details.

The progression tools provide functionality for schools to record progression decisions in EULCID which can then be published to students.

Also included in the development is a new progression screen in student self-service and an overview of progression and awards for personal tutors.

Progression decisions and guidance.

The template for uploading progression


It also has information on which decisions are deferrals, for UG or PGT students and decisions where a progression note is mandatory.


Guidance for staff on formatting progression notes.

Guidance on Assessment Progression Reports

For staff guidance a look at the student view of progression is available.

Please contact studentsystems@ed.ac.uk to request further information or live support visits if additional support is required.

Online Tutorials

The links below provides step by step guidance on the different ways to record student final awards:


Accessibility menu