EUCLID User Guides - Staff


Managed Migration

CAS for Applicants User guide

For a full step by step description on how each university business area utilises the UKBA Managed Migration software within EUCLID, click on the links below:

CAS for Extending Students User guide

Business Process Maps

UKBA CAS Embargo Times

In order to update the information contained in the 'Assign SMS CAS' records a twice daily manual process needs to be run. During the refresh of data it is important that staff members do not process CAS data and hence two embargo periods are in place as agreed by College leads. The timings of these embargos are 1pm-2pm and 4.30pm-5.30pm. During this time it is requested that staff members refrain from processing any CAS data.


The UK Border Agency (UKBA) has implemented a process to regulate temporary migration. The process is based around a concept of sponsorship: the institution must agree to sponsor migrant students (i.e. Overseas students requiring visas) on programmes with durations of six months or more. A sponsor has, amongst other duties, a duty to provide the UKBA with details of migrant students that are expected to enrol at the institution, and to inform the UKBA if a student fails to enrol.

In order to sponsor a migrant student, the institution must be granted a Sponsor Licence from the UKBA.

If the institution fails in their sponsor duties they may have their Sponsor Licence revoked, as a result of which the institution would not be allowed to enrol overseas students to programmes.


The new software provides support for the new UKBA arrangements for Student applicants during Admissions, for students Admitted via EUCLID. 

Other student types not held within the central student record (e.g. student visitors registered in VRS or students requiring visa extensions) are not administrated within EUCLID.

The International Office shall host a central repository of UKBA related information for the University on its website.

The software solution provides a means to extract data for bulk upload to the UKBA Sponsor Management System (SMS).  Uploaded records become ‘locked’ to further updates, and therefore any changes post-initial upload must be made manually within SMS.

The following elements of managed migration are outwith the scope of this project:

The development of the EUCLID software required to administrate UKBA Managed Migration went live in January 2011.

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